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Event now ended S+4

Wayzgoose Holiday Kick Off

Step into the South Street Seaport Museum’s 19th century-style letterpress printing shop Bowne & Co. to kick off the holiday season at the annual Wayzgoose–a 500-year-old printers’ tradition celebrating the changing of the seasons.

Join the Seaport Museum for light refreshments as the printers of Bowne & Co. give you the opportunity to get hands-on with printing equipment from the Seaport Museum’s working collection and print your own holiday-themed works. For those looking to get a head start on holiday shopping, be the first to check out this season’s delightful selection of holiday gifts, cards, and other seasonal paper goods at the Bowne & Co. gift emporium.

Registration is encouraged for this free event but walkups will be accommodated as possible.

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Thursday, November 21, 2024
6:00pm – 9:00pm

207–211 Water Street


About S+4

Tall Ship Wavertree

Seaport Museum

The South Street Seaport Museum, located in the heart of the historic Seaport District, preserves and interprets the history of New York as a great port city. Founded in 1967, the Seaport Museum includes an extensive collection of works of art and artifacts, a maritime reference library, galleries, working 19th-century print shop, and a fleet of historic vessels that all work to tell the story of “Where New York Begins.”

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visitors enjoying a display at bowne & co

Bowne & Co.

The Seaport’s printing press history—in action. Interact with printers and designers using 19th and early 20th century printing presses for contemporary print jobs. Bowne & Co.—part of the South Street Seaport Museum—is New York’s oldest operating business under the same name since 1775. Today, Bowne & Co. Stationers offers small batch printing and hand-printed cards made on site.

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