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The Seaport is brimming with fun for little locals and pint-sized visitors. Look out for upcoming special events, free gifts, and kids’ menus available from the cobblestones to the pier and beyond. For kids of all ages.

Seaport Kids is presented by NewYork-Presbyterian, Official Hospital of the Seaport. NewYork-Presbyterian is committed to improving the health & well-being of the Seaport community.

What’s On S+4

Child smiling, using a stethoscope on a teddy bear, with a NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital logo and text

Seaport Kids x Teddy Bear Clinic

Saturday, March 1 | 11:30am | 2nd Floor, Pier 17

Join NewYork-Presbyterian experts on Saturday, March 1, for a special Seaport Kids x Teddy Bear Clinic and lunch at the Seaport! This unique, interactive experience is perfect for kids ages 3 to 7, offering them an engaging way to learn what it’s like to visit the doctor.

Seaport Kids is presented by NewYork-Presbyterian, Official Hospital of the Seaport.

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February 4 – June 12 | Tuesdays & Thursdays | Downtown Atelier

Through the use of a wide range of materials (clay, paint, light & shadow, natural materials, etc.) Downtown Atelier space allows for open-ended sensory exploration. Their goals are for children to build independence and make discoveries by freely exploring beautiful provocations. Downtown Atelier celebrates curiosity and imagination, nurturing the process of creation rather than focusing on the outcome.

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Past Events S+3


Seaport Kids x Halloween Block Party

Saturday, October 26 | 3-5pm | Seaport Square & Fulton Street

Pumpkins. Tricks. And plenty of treats. Save the date for Seaport Kids x Halloween Block Party, in partnership with Mommy Poppins and Brooklyn Bridge Parents. From 3pm to 5pm on Saturday, October 26, the cobblestones and Seaport Square will transform into a Halloween-themed block party for kids. Enjoy a live music performance from urban cowboy musician Hopalong Andrew from 4:00-4:45pm, as well as pumpkin-painting, face-painting, halloween crafts activities and, of course, a celebration of attendees’ fabulous costumes.

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Magic Show for kids

Seaport Kids x Back to School Bash

Saturday, September 14 | 11am – 1pm | Seaport Square

Magic show. Balloon animals. Arts and crafts. Join us at Seaport Kids x Back to School Bash on September 14 from 11am-1pm for an exciting day packed with free kids’ activities. Enjoy a dazzling magic show from 11:15am to 12:00pm, get creative with balloon animals, and dive into fun kid crafts. Say goodbye to those back-to-school blues while discovering engaging classes and activities from local schools. In collaboration with Mommy Poppins and Brooklyn Bridge Parents, this event promises interactive fun and delightful surprises for the whole family. Mark your calendar for this fantastic opportunity to kick off the school year with a splash.

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Summer Bash at the Seaport

Seaport Kids x Summer Bash

Saturday, August 17 | 11am – 1pm | Seaport Square

Summer crafts. Balloon twisting. Water sprinklers and basketball entertainment. The sky’s the limit for imagination-fueled crafts at the upcoming Seaport Kids x Summer Bash. Once again, we’re partnering with local family-event curators Mommy Poppins and Brooklyn Bridge Parents to bring our neighborhood kids 2 hours of unleashed creativity and interactive fun. Bring bathing suits for water play, and your imagination for summer beach crafts and a LEGO table.

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Seaport Kids x Music Fest

Saturday, July 6 | 11am – 1pm | Seaport Square

Live music. Dance parties. Arts, crafts, and good times for the whole fam. Come on down to this special Saturday of Beach Fest devoted to Seaport Kids, in partnership with Mommy Poppins and Brooklyn Bridge Parents. Mr Marc will helm all the fun from the main stage, with a full schedule of musical performances and dancing. Face painting, sand castles, and more interactive activities will complete the afternoon.

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Earth Day

Seaport Kids x Earth Day

Saturday, April 20 | 11:00am – 2:00pm | Seaport Square

Sustainable castle construction. Lego building. Plants and science and the beauty of recycled materials. It’s all part of the upcoming Seaport Kids x Earth Day lineup of activities hosted by Mommy Poppins and Brooklyn Bridge Parents on Saturday, April 20. Let the kids loose to build and create with recycled moving boxes and other recycled materials. Open their eyes to the wonderful world of plants. This afternoon of Earth Day-inspired crafts, activities, demos, and a Magic Show will plant the seeds for environmental awareness in a hands-on way that’s full of fun.

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Easter egg hunt

Seaport Kids x Springtopia

Saturday, March 30 | 11:00am – 2:00pm | Multiple Locations

Spring flowers. Fresh air. And Easter crafts and photo opps. It’s time to brush off the winter blues and celebrate a new season at Seaport Kids x Springtopia on Saturday, March 30, in partnership with Mommy Poppins and Brooklyn Bridge Parents. With free and ticketed events at both Seaport Square and on The Rooftop at Pier 17, there’s plenty of afternoon activities to keep kids busy—and spark their creative sides.

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Seaport Kids x Gingerbread City workshop


Multiple time slots | 25 Fulton Street | Free

Holiday cookies. Festive fun. Kick off the evening of our Seaport Holiday Tree Lighting celebration with a cookie decorating session at The Gingerbread City workshop space. This Seaport Kids activity, presented by NewYork-Presbyterian, combines the awe of The Gingerbread City experience with a hands-on way to create treats and get into the spirit of the season. A gingerbread cookie will be offered for each child aged 3+ with a ticket.

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Halloween block party

Halloween Block party

Saturday, October 28 | 11:00am-1:00pm | Fulton & Front Streets | Free

Pumpkins. Tricks. And plenty of treats. Save the date for a Seaport Kids x Halloween Block Party, in partnership with Mommy Poppins and Brooklyn Bridge Parents. From 11am to 1pm on Saturday, October 28, Front and Fulton Streets will transform into a Halloween-themed block party for kids 2–8 (and the bigger kids who love all things Halloween)

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Climate Workshop on Wavertree

Climate Workshop

Thursday, Sept 21 | 4:30-6:00pm | Wavertree | Free

Arts and crafts—on the water? Yes, it’s all aboard the tall ship Wavertree for this special Seaport Kids x Climate Workshop presented by the South Street Seaport Museum, + POOL, and Mommy Poppins.

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